Application to Accompany Gravidity


Pregnancy monitoring applications are very useful for pregnant women. The application to accompany pregnancy helps you keep your personalized pregnancy calendar. Besides, they remember when to take medications and give a lot of information about the pregnancy. In this sense, they are great to work with the pregnancy control that doctors do.


Some well-known applications are BabyCenter, Gravidity+, Minha Gravidez Week by Week, Minha Gravidez by Paula and PregNur. Each one has something special: BabyCenter It is famous for its global community, Gravidity+ helps to know when the baby will be born, Minha Gravidez compares the size of the baby with fruits and gives a probable due date. Paula stands out for having everything very organized and PregNur focuses on exercises for pregnant women.

Key points

  • BabyCenter It has the largest community of pregnant women in the world and expert content.
  • Gravidity+ is famous for creating a birth estimate with 3D models.
  • Minha Gravidez Compare baby size with fruits and show development in detail.
  • The Paula app stands out for its clarity and offers useful articles and FAQs.
  • PregNur focuses on special physical exercises for pregnant women.

Why Use an App to Accompany Pregnancy?

Nowadays, apps to track pregnancy are very important. They help moms in a variety of ways. They complement the surveillance that is done with doctors.


Benefits of Using Pregnancy Apps

A application to accompany pregnancy It has many advantages. It helps to be organized and always have information at hand. It guides you through all stages of pregnancy.

Offer advice that comes from experts. This makes pregnancy easier and less stressful.

control embarazo

Common Features of Pregnancy Apps

They present the size of the baby as if it were fruit. This makes its development clearer. In addition, they help track how the baby grows each week.

With that, they tell you the weight and size of the baby using objects you know. They help prepare you for when the baby arrives. This way you feel closer to your baby throughout your pregnancy.

Access to Expert Information

Another advantage is having information from health professionals. They give you advice on healthy eating, good-for-you exercises, and how to overcome common pregnancy problems. This gives you peace and guidance at all stages of your pregnancy.

Apps are useful, but they do not replace the doctor. The doctor should always be there to help you during pregnancy.

Main Applications to Accompany Pregnancy

There are many applications to accompany pregnancy each one with something special. Here we show you five of the best and what makes them unique.


He BabyCenter application is famous for its useful info for moms, weekly counters and size comparisons with fruits. In addition, it gives advice every day and connects users, forming a support network.


Gravidity+ It allows you to estimate the date of birth and has many articles on pregnancy. It also includes useful tools like a kick counter and a personalized birth plan. Help prepare the enxoval list and compare the baby's size with foods and animals.

Minha Gravidez Week by Week

Minha Gravidez Week by Week It stands out for clearly showing the baby's growth and for its useful comparisons with fruits. The paid version has more advanced weight and contraction monitoring, but there are ads in the free version.

Minha Gravidez by Paula

He Minha Gravidez application by Paula It is recognized for its simple and useful design. It offers information about the pregnancy and improves the app with the mother's personal data. Unfortunately, it is only for Android.


PregNur stands out for its exercises for pregnant women. It recommends activities with and without special equipment, and has help tools in English. This can be attractive to many women around the world.

These five applications to accompany pregnancy They add a lot to the support of pregnancy. They do not replace your doctor, but they provide support, information and useful tools for any mother on the way.

Key Features of a Good App

A good pregnancy app must have certain key features. These features make the experience complete. Below, we mention some of them.

Interaction and Community

A valuable feature in applications is interaction with other users. This creates a community where you can share experiences and get useful advice. Thus, improving the monitoring of your pregnancy.

It also provides a space where expectant mothers can find support. This interaction is key to being informed and feeling accompanied during pregnancy.

Baby Development Visualization

Applications like “My pregnancy day by day” offer 3D images and videos. This allows the baby's development to be followed stage by stage. Others, like “Your Pregnancy,” have very detailed 3D animations. These help visualize how your baby grows week by week.

This visualization is vital for proper pregnancy control. It helps parents connect with their baby and understand how their growth is progressing.

Planning and Reminders

A useful application should help you plan your pregnancy. It allows you to manage important aspects and not forget medical appointments. It is key to have a pregnancy calculator. This tool helps you track important dates and milestones in your baby's development during pregnancy.

Additionally, a good app offers reliable information. This information must be supported by experts. Apps like “Sprout” and “Fit Moms” excel at this. They offer safe eating and exercise recommendations for each stage of pregnancy.

Application to Accompany Pregnancy: BabyCenter

He BabyCenter It is much loved by mothers and fathers all over the world. It started in 2008 in Brazil and has been essential to follow the pregnancy and the baby. Their content is created by doctors, so it is very trustworthy.

Dazzling Features

This application has a lot to offer for those who are expecting a baby. Helps calculate your due date, track how long you've been pregnant, and see how your baby grows. It also provides name ideas, a comprehensive calendar, and pregnancy photos.

Moms can connect with others who will have babies in the same month. This allows them to talk, share tips and make friends.

User Experience

People love to use the BabyCenter because it is very easy and comfortable. Informs with award-winning illustrations and videos. But the most important thing is with the community that gives you all its support.

Pros and cons

There are many good things in BabyCenter: quality information, a friendly community, and useful tools. But, some users are not happy with the ads in the free version.

Despite that, it is still a great help during pregnancy.

Comparison between Different Applications

There are five leading pregnancy monitoring applications. Each one has unique functions for different needs. Let's see in detail what each one offers.

Gravidity+ vs. BabyCenter

Gravidity+ It has 3D models and a premium version. The latter has a kick counter and contraction timer. It has been downloaded more than 50 million times and offers many articles and resources.

BabyCenter It is very popular and recommended. It has a strong community and offers constant advice. It is ideal for obtaining daily information during pregnancy.

Minha Gravidez vs. PregNur

Minha Gravidez details the progress of the pregnancy week by week. However, the free version shows many ads that can be tiring. On the other hand, PregNur stands out in exercises for pregnant women. It offers recommendations that may require special equipment, which makes it unique.

Diversity of Functions between Applications

The variety of functions is wide, allowing each user to find the best for her. Gravidity+ and BabyCenter They excel in education and community. Minha Gravidez provides a clear focus on the progress of the pregnancy, while PregNur focuses on physical activity for unique well-being.

With so many options, choosing the best application depends on what each user is looking for. This comparison shows that there are solid alternatives for different expectations during pregnancy.

Tips for Choosing the Best Application

Choose a application to accompany pregnancy It can be complicated. There are many available. To choose well, follow these guidelines. They will help you find the best application for the pregnancy monitoring.

Identify Your Needs

The first thing is to know what you need. Do you want to see how the baby grows in 3D or are you interested in reminders for appointments and medications? Think about what you would like to follow about your pregnancy and how you would like the app to help you.

Read Reviews

The opinions of other mothers count a lot. For example, someone like 'Marinho.0' may say that an app is great. While 'Ludmila12' can mention problems. This is key to choosing well.

Try Different Apps

It is good to try several before choosing. Famous apps like Flo app and Pregnancy+ They are usually good. But each person is different. Some prefer more features, such as My pregnancy week by week. Others prefer a greater focus on control, such as Pregnancy day by day. Experimenting will tell you which one is best for you.

“Choosing the ideal application involves listening to others and considering your desires. This way, your pregnancy will be easier and more enjoyable.”


Apps to track pregnancy are essential for many future mothers. They offer detailed monitoring from the beginning to the end of pregnancy. They have many functions such as a virtual agenda and alarms for your medical appointments.

These types of apps have been reviewed by 21 experts. This includes maternity nurses and technology experts. Its content has received a high rating for quality and accuracy, with a CVI of 0.89.

Using an app during pregnancy improves access to vital information. Helps overcome prenatal care barriers. These tools share data about possible risks, how to take care of yourself, and what foods are good for you.

In addition, more than half of pregnant women use them to learn important things. New mothers are the ones who use them the most. Choosing the right app is key to receiving complete guidance and a supportive community during pregnancy.

At the end of the day, these apps are a great support for future mothers. They improve care and well-being during pregnancy. It is important to choose one that suits your needs to get the most out of it.

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